
Nubes Dispersas

Chihuahua, Chihuahua

Thursday 11 February 2010

Executed in Nicolas Bravo

Found with hands tied with brown tape and his face covered in addition to a coup de grace

The body of a man of 34 years of age, seen a few days before being kidnapped by an armed commando, was found yesterday with hands tied with brown tape and his face covered in addition to a temple coup de grace in downtown Nicolas Bravo.

The Ministry Police informed that the now deceased’s name was Juan Alfredo Barraza Reyes of 34 years of age; he was found with hands tied with brown tape and his face covered in addition to two temple coup de grace. In the crime scene, a .40 caliber bullet cap was found. The event occurred in the town Nicolas Bravo, municipality of Madero, having been a trauma to the brain the cause of death at 7:30hrs.