
Cielo Claro

Chihuahua, Chihuahua

Tuesday 2 February 2010

UACH repudiates attack against students

The Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) manifested its absolute rejection to the events of this past weekend

The Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) manifested its absolute rejection to the events of this past weekend in which students from a number of schools lost their lives.

Asserting that this is not the first time that our city morns such bloody events in which, unfortunately, university students have not been the exception.

The passing of university student José Luis Aguilar Camargo, an International Relations-second semester student as well as the injuries received by also university student, Nohemí Almanza Campos reflect the generalized violence wave now experienced in our country, asserted the communiqué.

The alumni and university communities in Juarez City are, once again, in morn and demand that authorities from the three levels of government find out what happened. The Technical council will convene in the following days to set the institutional position and to request from the three levels of government, especially from the Attorney General’s office, the corresponding report on the investigation involving members from the University’s community that have lost their lives in different events.